I have had several patients in the past year or so who suffered side effects due to the use of Cholesterol lowering drugs. Though the percentage of those who have these unintended reactions are small, when they get them they suffer 100%.
For more info Google this topic or go to http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/8695102.stm to get started.
On a brighter note, I have helped these people recover faster with the Meridian Therapy(acupuncture points) testing and treatment(no needles). If you are someone you know has this reaction, call for an acupuncture point exam.
Dr DiVelbiss is not currently certified to use needles. He has practiced non-needle care for more than a decade including people with these side effects. However, each individual is different and not everyone can be helped by any methods. Examining you is the place to start! CALL 614-529-8171